Head companies still have capital budgets, but for small institutions and individual IPs, the high cost of acquiring customers Taiwan Phone Number List is a threshold. Especially at the moment, the changes that are taking place - more and more individual Taiwan Phone Number List knowledge IPs are rising, from big market institutions, from schools within the system, or from a professional role in the enterprise to various video traffic platforms, operating their own knowledge IP.
As for individual IPs, there is no lack of experience in marketing, traffic, and customer acquisition; how to make good use of the existing Taiwan Phone Number List traffic platforms in the market, so as to achieve relatively good IP management, reduce costs and obtain more effective traffic and target users? Now on the market, a new role has emerged: the MCN of Taiwan Phone Number List the education industry. It is trying to provide a new solution for the scenarios we mentioned above. For new roles such as MCN, individual IPs and small institutions that have been deeply cultivated in the fields of knowledge and education may not be very clear; after all, the scenes that MCN has occurred in the past are more in the e-commerce and entertainment industries.
So what does MCN do? What is the background it produces? In other industries, what has MCN done, and how? What Taiwan Phone Number List is its utility in the education industry? When faced with key marketing cost issues, should knowledge, educational IP, and educational institutions choose MCN for cooperation? Today we are going to talk Taiwan Phone Number List about the new role of education MCN; 1. First of all, what is MCN and what is the background of it MCN (Multi-Chanel-Network), the literal translation is "multi-channel network".